With extensive history in executive management of five-star hotels and holiday rentals, Martin brings to CCR a client-focused, committed and thoughtful approach. Co-owning CCR with his wife, Martin moved in to the real estate industry in 2005. Martin’s effective leadership in conjunction with Chadia, ensures the team are focused on CCR values and forward-moving. Quality service is key to Martin and this is demonstrated through the numerous occasions, he has gone above and beyond for his clients. For Martin and the rest of the CCR team, word of mouth and having a good reputation is paramount. With a strong understanding of the tourism industry in Queensland and internationally, Martin knows the value that tourism has on the housing market. His honesty and dedication to all clients of CCR, ensures Martin is results-driven. Martin is considerate, personable and efficient which makes him highly regarded within the industry, amongst his colleagues, clients and customers. His relationship management skills are a strength for CCR.